Números del catálogo: 76; 77; 78; 205; 206; 209; 214.
Originalmente era restauradora de papel, pero fundé la empresa HAMBURGER BUNTPAPIER en su forma presente como taller a tiempo completo dedicado al papel decorado en 1997, después de haber hecho profesionalmente papeles decorados desde finales de los 1980. En 2005 añadí BUNTPAPIERVERLAG para la publicación de libros de consulta bi- y multilingües sobre el mismo tema. Mi ocupación principal es reproducir papeles decorados de modelos históricos para restauración y conservación o en el estilo histórico para la preservación; me especializo en el papel al engrudo, el salpicado, y los modelos del tipo escurrido y cepillado. Los papeles decorados y la tela decorada para encuadernación y artes de libro me dan la posibilidad de experimentar, combinar, inventar y llevar las técnicas históricas hasta sus límites (no los han alcanzado aún). Todos los materiales son de grado de conservación. Los papeles pueden ser ordenados por catálogo o también hechos a la medida. Además, doy clases, conferencias y asesoramiento.
www.hamburgerbuntpapier.de www.buntpapierverlag.de
Being originally a paper conservator, I founded HAMBURGER BUNTPAPIER in its present form as a full time workshop for decorated paper in 1997 after professionally making decorated paper since the late 198ies. In 2005 I added BUNTPAPIERVERLAG for the publication of bi- and multilingual reference books on decorated paper. My main occupation is making decorated papers either from historical models for restoration and conservation or in historical style for preservation; I‘m specialising in paste paper, sprinkled paper, dribbled paper and brushed paper. Decorated papers and decorated cloth for bookbinding and book arts are my chance to experiment, combine, invent and push historical techniques towards their limits (haven't reached them yet). All materials are conservation grade. Papers can be ordered from the catalogue or are custom made. Additionally, I'm teaching, lecturing and counseling.
www.hamburgerbuntpapier.de www.buntpapierverlag.de
Being originally a paper conservator, I founded HAMBURGER BUNTPAPIER in its present form as a full time workshop for decorated paper in 1997 after professionally making decorated paper since the late 198ies. In 2005 I added BUNTPAPIERVERLAG for the publication of bi- and multilingual reference books on decorated paper. My main occupation is making decorated papers either from historical models for restoration and conservation or in historical style for preservation; I‘m specialising in paste paper, sprinkled paper, dribbled paper and brushed paper. Decorated papers and decorated cloth for bookbinding and book arts are my chance to experiment, combine, invent and push historical techniques towards their limits (haven't reached them yet). All materials are conservation grade. Papers can be ordered from the catalogue or are custom made. Additionally, I'm teaching, lecturing and counseling.
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